________________________________________________________________ ZDKeyMap (VERSION 1.00) Copyright (c) 1997 Ziff-Davis Publishing Company By Zan Oliphant First Published in PC Magazine May 6, 1997 ________________________________________________________________ About ZDKeyMap... ZDKeyMap adds a property page to the Control Panel's Keyboard applet that lets you remap all the standard keys on your keyboard. Thus you can swap the CapsLock and Left Ctrl keys to avoid pressing CapsLock accidentally, or turn little-used keys on a notebook into other keys that the notebook may be missing. ZDKeyMap works only with standard keys; it does not support extended keys. USAGE: The ZDKeyMap program includes three files: zdkeymap.dll, vkeymap.vxd, and zdkeymap.inf. Place these three files in the same folder and click on zdkeymap.inf within Explorer. Select Install from the context menu and Windows will copy the files to their appropriate destinations. Because of a bug in Windows 95, the full pathname of the folder that contains the files must contain only old-fashioned 8.3 DOS-style filenames. If the pathname is invalid, you will get the following error message while installing: "The disk labeled 'ZDKeyMap Disk' is now required." If you get this message, cancel the install and try again using a folder whose full pathname contains only DOS-style filenames. Once the installation is complete, you will need to restart Windows, even though the new property page will already be in place. This is necessary to load the second component of the utility, the VxD, which communicates with the controls on the property page so they actually do something. When your system is done rebooting, open the Control Panel and double click on the Keyboard icon to bring up the keyboard properties. You will see a new tab called "Key Mapping". Click on that tab and you will see the ZDKeyMap property page, which contains two list boxes. The list box on the left displays the original key definition, and the list box on the right shows the current key mapping. To change a key mapping, select the key you want to change in the left-hand list box, and then select the key you'd like it to map to in the right-hand list box. Your change is not recorded until you click the Apply button. So, for example, to change your CapsLock key into a Shift key, you'd select CapsLock in the left-hand list box, then select Left Shift in the right-hand list box, and click Apply. When you change a key mapping, the remapped key is marked with an asterisk in the left-hand list box. The keys are presented in logical groupings to make them easy to find, but you can also jump to a key immediately. To find a key quickly, click anywhere in a list box to make it the active control, then press the first letter of the name of the key you want to find. Press the same letter again to find the next key that begins with that letter. This technique will work in both the left-hand and right-hand list boxes. Below the two list boxes are four buttons: Swap, Restore Defaults, About, and Help. The Swap button is convenient for switching two keys. For example, let's say you want to switch your CapsLock key and your Left Ctrl key. First remap CapsLock to Left Ctrl. Then click Swap and ZDKeyMap will automatically remap Left Ctrl to CapsLock. Click Apply to register the change. To restore the original mapping, click the Restore Defaults button and then click Apply. The About button brings up copyright information, and the Help button displays some helpful hints for using ZDKeyMap. To uninstall ZDKeyMap, open the Control Panel, double click on Add/Remove Programs, select ZDKeyMap from the list of installed programs, and click the Add/Remove button. Support for ZDKeyMap: Support for the free utilities offered by PC Magazine can be obtained electronically in the discussion area of PC Magazine's Web site and in the Utilities section of ZD Net's TIPS Forum on CompuServe. For PC Magazine's Web site go to the URL http://www.pcmag.com/discuss/ and select the Utilities area. You can also access the Utilities discussion area from the utility's download page. The authors of current utilities generally monitor the discussion area every day. You may find an answer to your question simply by reading the messages previously posted. If the author is not available and you have a question that the sysops can't answer, the editor of the Utilities column, who also checks the area each day, will contact the author for you. For ZD Net's TIPS Forum (GO ZNT:TIPS). The authors of current utilities generally visit this forum daily. You may find an answer to your question by reading the messages already posted in the forum. If the author is not available and the forum sysops can't answer your question, the Utilities column editor, who checks this forum each day, will contact the author for you. Zan Oliphant is president of Zan Software, the author of Programming Netscape Plug-ins (Sams.net Publishing), and a frequent contributor to PC Magazine. He can be reached by e-mail at zan@gate.net. _____________________________________________________________